Investment Declaration

Investment Declaration (Memorandum) of the municipal unit of urban district - city of Surgut for 2017 was adopted by the resolution of City Administration No. 4732,  June 8 2017.

It establishes:

  • priority areas for investment policy and investment activity in the territory of the city of Surgut urban district municipal unit,
  • guarantees and obligations of local government bodies of the city of Surgut municipal unit to ensure the rights of investors,
  • the basic measures of municipal support of investment activity.


Investment Declaration (Memorandum) of the Municipal Entity the Surgut City Urban District for 2017

Section I. General Provisions

1. The Investment Declaration (Memorandum) of the Municipal Entity the Surgut City Urban District (hereinafter referred to as the Investment Declaration) shall establish the priority directions of investment policy and investment activity in the territory of the Municipal Entity the Surgut City Urban District, guarantees and obligations of the local self-government authorities of the Municipal Entity the Surgut City Urban District to ensure investors' rights, as well as the basic measures of municipal support for investment activities.

2. A collegial consultative and advisory expert body on the implementation of investment activities in the territory of the Municipal Entity the Surgut City Urban District shall be the Investment Council under the Head of the Surgut City.

3. Responsibilities for the implementation of certain provisions of this Investment Declaration within the limits of their authority shall be borne by the structural units of the City Administration engaged in and facilitating the investment projects implementation in the territory of the Municipal Entity the Surgut City Urban District.

4. The information on the plans and results of investment activities of the Municipal Entity the Surgut City Urban District shall be formed annually and posted on the City Administration official portal.

Section II. The areas of the investment policy of the Municipal Entity the Surgut City Urban District

1. The main areas of the investment policy of the Municipal Entity the Surgut City Urban District shall be as follows:

  • Improvement of municipal normative legal regulation in the sphere of investment activity in the Municipal Entity the Surgut City Urban District.
  • Formation of a favorable investment climate in the territory of the Municipal Entity the Surgut City Urban District.
  • Creation of favorable administrative and business environment, reduction of administrative barriers for the entities involved in investment activities in the territory of the Municipal Entity the Surgut City Urban District.
  • Development of investment infrastructure.
  • Formation of a positive investment image of the Municipal Entity the Surgut City Urban District.
  • Assistance to the entities involved in investment activities in the implementation of projects that meet the priority areas of the social and economic development of the Municipal Entity the Surgut City Urban District.
  • Formation of conditions for the inflow of investment resources and new technologies into the economy of the Municipal Entity the Surgut City Urban District.
  • Informational coverage of investment opportunities through the placement of information in the Internet, including ensuring the "feedback from a potential investor" principle.

2. The directions of the investment policy defined by this Investment Declaration can be adjusted taking into account the new priorities of the social and economic development of the Municipal Entity the Surgut City Urban District or changes in the current legislation.

3. The priority areas of the investment policy of the Municipal Entity the Surgut City Urban District shall be as follows:

  • Creation of educational facilities in the territory of the Municipal Entity the Surgut City Urban District.
  • Urban landscaping of the Municipal Entity the Surgut City Urban District (creation and improvement of parks and squares).
  • Elimination of rundown and unserviceable housing.
  • Development of transport and logistics network.

Section III. Principles of interaction of the local self-government authorities and the entities involved in entrepreneurial and investment activities

1. The key principle of the investment policy of the Municipal Entity the Surgut City Urban District shall be mutual responsibility of the local self-government authorities of the Municipal Entity the Surgut City Urban District and the entities involved in investment activities, as well as the balance of interests.

2. The main principles of interaction of the local self-government authorities of the Municipal Entity the Surgut City Urban District and the entities involved in entrepreneurial and investment activities in the Municipal Entity the Surgut City Urban District, shall be as follows:

  • Principle of equality — not discriminating approach to all the entities involved in entrepreneurial and investment activities.
  • Principle of involvement — participation of the entities involved in entrepreneurial and investment activities in the decision-making process of the local self-government authorities and evaluation of their implementation.
  • Principle of transparency — accessibility of documented information of the local self-government authorities.
  • Implementation of best practices — orientation of administrative procedures and regulation on the best practice of interaction with the entities involved in entrepreneurial and investment activities from the point of view of interests of the entities involved in entrepreneurial and investment activities.

Section IV. Obligations of the Municipal Entity the Surgut City Urban District on Ensuring and Protection of the Investors' Rights

1. The Administration of the Municipal Entity the Surgut City Urban District shall consider the proposals of the entities involved in investment activities, aimed at eliminating administrative barriers that impede the investment projects implementation.

2. The Administration of the Municipal Entity the Surgut City Urban District, taking into account the provisions of the Investment Declaration in the implementation of law-making and law enforcement activities, shall equally take measures to ensure a favorable investment climate in the territory of the Municipal Entity the Surgut City Urban District.

3. In accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the Administration of the Municipal Entity the Surgut City Urban District shall guarantee to all the entities involved in investment activities the provision and protection of their rights and interests:

  • Equal treatment of all the entities involved in investment activities.
  • Participation of the entities involved in investment activities in the decision-making process and evaluation of their implementation.
  • Absence of restrictions in the implementation of their projects in accordance with the current legislation.
  • In order to promptly address the issues arising in the course of investment activities, in case of circumstances related to violation of the terms and conditions for access to support and implementation of investment projects, the opportunity to apply to the Head of the Surgut City.
  • Adoption of administrative procedures focused on the results of best practices of interaction between the local self-government authorities and the entities involved in investment activities.
  • Non-intervention of the local self-government authorities and officials in the investor’s administrative and economic activities, the agreements (contracts) conclusion by the investor, the choice of partners, contractors, suppliers, definition of obligations.

Section V. Obligations of the Municipal Entity the Surgut City Urban District to implement measures aimed at reducing the time and simplifying procedures for issuing permits for investors

The Administration of the Municipal Entity the Surgut City Urban District shall undertake to implement measures aimed at reducing the time and simplifying procedures for issuing permits for investors, within the requirements of the current legislation, in order to ensure a favorable investment climate in the Surgut City, create an open information environment for investors and create mechanisms to increase investment attractiveness.