Union "Surgut Chamber of Commerce and Industry" (SCCI) acts as an intermediary between the authorities and the business. Through intermediary of SCCT, the business community has the opportunity to communicate its ideas, comments and suggestions on the development of life in the city and the region, conduct business activities, introduce draft normative acts for consideration by municipal and district legislators. In 2006, an agreement for cooperation with the Duma of Surgut was signed; in 2010 an agreement with the Administration of the city of Surgut was signed. The Chamber takes a direct part in lawmaking activities at all levels of government, by conducting public examination of regulatory legal acts. Everyone indifferent and interested can take part in this work - drafts of normative legal acts are posted on the Chamber's website in "Public Examination of Draft Normative Legal Acts" section.
Building a constructive dialogue between the legislative and executive authorities on the one hand and business on the other hand, the Surgut Chamber of Commerce and Industry decides not only the tasks for the development of entrepreneurial activities, but also for stabilization of the socio-economic and political situation in the city, area and district.
Activity of the Union "Surgut Chamber of Commerce and Industry":
- Examination Department;
- Evaluation and Consulting Department;
- Legal Center;
- Arbitration Court;
- patenting and certification;
- Business-Program Center;
- Center for Business Cooperation "Mercury"
- "SIMB" service agency;
- Coordination Department;
- advertising and publishing activities.
Contact information
Address: 34а, 30 Let Pobedy str., Surgut.
Phone: +7 (3462) 50-09-50, 50-09-53.
E-mail: tpp@tppsurgut.ru.
Official website: http://tppsurgut.ru/